Site Specific Engineering
Erecting a shed or steel-framed home is a significant project and investment. Whilst solving your storage problems is important, you need to also be confident that you are purchasing a quality and safe kit building. It is important that the building delivers structural integrity to protect those occupying it as well as working in and around the site. In order to achieve this, you must shop with a supplier that does site-specific building designs. If you are unsure ask your supplier to put it in writing to you or ask your Sheds n Homes Sales person to check over your quote.
It is easy to understand that engineering would need to differ for a shed that was to be erected in a cyclonic area, versus a farming property in central New South Wales. The various factors that are considered when designing and engineering a steel structure for your property are referred to as site design criteria. A number of the most important are outlined below.
Wind Region
Australia is divided into a number of wind regions, which your local Council can confirm for you where your site falls. Beyond these regions, the topography and terrain of your site must also be considered.
Shielding & Terrain
The local landscape and terrain of your actual property and positioning of the building on that property will dictate and influence the necessary engineering for your steel kit building. If your shed will be positioned on a block that is free of trees and other buildings that could offer some protection from wind, it will potentially need a more highly specified design than a garage that is being erected on a site that is surrounded by other buildings.
Lastly, wind levels may increase for a shed sitting on top of a hill compared to one at the bottom of a valley. The physical position of your shed or home must be considered during the design and engineering phase of your project. If your potential shed or home supplier doesn't know the specific address and placement of your building they cannot be providing site specific engineering.
Once your local Sheds n Homes store has created your building design, it is then certified and cross-checked by a specialist team at head office. This ensures that all factors have been correctly identified to ensure that in the event of a serious weather event, your structure will withstand the forces of a design event.
Only after your building design has been certified by our site classification team will your plans and council documentation be released. One key benefit beyond the safety factor is the ease of approval through Council as all of the correct design factors will be identified on your paperwork.